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The Dead Sea


Deep in the Jordan Valley lies a massive salt lake whose banks are more than 400 meters below sea level, making it the lowest point on dry land in the planet. You can float in its magical hypersaline water, and marvel at the beautiful salt reefs. The gleaming white reefs contrast beautifully with the sand and the deep green water on either side. The water itself is perfectly still, with barely a ripple disturbing the surface. Whenever I visited this place over the 7 years I lived in Jordan I always enjoyed it, and the calm, the beauty, and the uniqueness of this area was always inspiring.


The Dead Sea has inspired me to experiment with salt in my paintings. I have been fascinated by its oily mineral-rich waters that shimmers in the day and night (the inspiration for "Silky Waters") The stunning views of the cliffs on the drive from Amman has also been an an endless source of inspiration that can be seen across many of my paintings.

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